OMG! I’m Single and it’s Valentine’s Day!!

So What? Whether you are coupled up or single, this day is meant for everyone.

Valentine’s Day is just one day out of an entire year, so treat it as just another day. Yes, I know, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and people in love are awaiting the special day to express their love and celebrate in style. However, if you are single, do not be disappointed. There are millions like you out there enjoying their single status. You don’t have to be sad that you are single on Valentine’s day, you will be single after this day as well. Personally, I can’t wait for the day after Valentine’s Day because all the chocolate goes on sale and that’s all I need 😉

At the end of the day what matters is how happy you are, perfection is just the secondary thing.

So what can singles do this Valentine’s Day?

There are countless things you can do on Valentine’s Day to keep up with the fun and excitement in the air. No matter if you have someone special with you or not, you can still celebrate love on this special day. Here are some ideas to make the most out of Valentine’s Day as a single:

  • Invite your single friends for a late evening singles only party, savor a bottle of wine and groove on your favorite music.
  • Self-love is important and there’s no better time than Valentine’s Day to spend some quality time for yourself. Go for a relaxing massage, cook your favorite dish and gift yourself what you love. There are no expectations or boundaries when you are single; just do what you feel like doing.
  • Catch up with your childhood friend or a relative whom you have not seen for years. Chat to your heart’s content and relive old memories.
  • Watching a movie can never go wrong in any case, or catch up to the season that has been sitting in your list for quite some time.
  • A small quick trip would also be fun to free your mind from all the commercialized love in the air.
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And by the way, there is no single day to celebrate love. Every single day is supposed to be filled with affection and indeed every day is a Valentine’s Day if you are happy.

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